教育英语实习报告 篇1时间过的真快,一转眼,六周的就要结束了,这段经历,对于我对于教师,对于我以后的工作,都是受益非浅。
老师,是个很特别的存在。还记得第一次被班级里学生叫老师好的时候的那种错愕,渐渐适应,然后自如反应,点头示意。开始 ……此处隐藏7852个字……e, watching people do and
listening to them about how to do without self-experience, which results in grasping its essence hardly. But the internship has deepened my understanding of some basic konwledge of secretary, enriched my actual management knowledge, gotten certain perceptual and rational congnition on the daily management work. To do the daily business secretarial management work well, we should not only pay attention to the theoretic knowledge of management, but also combine the theory and practice closely.
I have found out my shortcomings through about one-month intership. I will try my best in the future work and study,learning from each other. I believe that I could be proficient and better in my future carrer !